Optimizarea Proceselor de Bussines
The optimization of business process is for nearly all companies a central objective, especially if they do not only want to be competitive, but if they also want to be a step ahead.
Following this target, we offer a powerful tool for designing, controlling and optimising your business processes. In cooperation with our windream ECM-system, this will result in a complete software package with which real business processes can be reproduced on a virtual level and with which documents can be assigned to business processes, too.
Top level integration
With our solution for business process management and with the windream ECM-system, users will receive a completely integrated system containing process management functions and enterprise content management, which acts on a technologically top level and which is very easy to handle. Individually configurable user interfaces allow staff members and business process designers to adjust the system to the individual needs of a company.
With the option to reproduce real business processes on a virtual level and to completely automise them, windream will not only support companies in a time-effective management of everyday and repeated processes, but will also increase the competitiveness substantially.
- Easily designing, controlling and optimising specific business processes
- Increasing efficiency by virtual reproduction of real business processes
- Complete integration of the ECM-system into the business process management software
- Increased competitiveness by time-efficient management of repeating processes